
        我們于2000 年成立,是由一群多年來活躍于油麻地批發市場的批發商組成的,他們擁有多年批發及銷售經驗,能夠準確判斷來貨質量,以合理的價格提供給我們的客戶,使大家感到物超所值。





Prime Orchards Limited (Hong Kong) is a trading company that connects our corporation to the world. Our ability to source globally for the finest products holds the key to our competence in all market sectors.

The Company was formed in 2000 by a group of wholesalers in the Kowloon Wholesales Market; with marketing channels firmly established we soon grew to become one of the leading traders in terms of volume, turnover and profitability.

Our objective is to form a continuous and reliable relationship with suppliers from every producing country thus we are conscientious to the transparency and competitiveness of our company.

To further strengthen our penetration into retail and wholesale sectors of Mainland China, in 2004, we have established a sister company, Fu Mau International Ltd in Hong Kong and registered a branch office in Shenzhen, China.

In addition, we also participants trading in exportation especially to Mainland China and South East Asia regions e.g. Taiwan, Vietnam and Singapore.

Collaborating with 6 wholesales stores in Kowloon Wholesales Markets, there is no doubt on distribution of our products and therefore sales coverage in terms of high volume flows towards various marketplaces at a very competent level.

We have focus on sourcing from the following regions :

Australia, Argentina, Chile, Middle East, South East Asia, South Africa, and The U.S.A.

Address : 10/F, Bangkok Bank Bldg, 490-492 Nathan Rd, Kln, Hong Kong.
Phone # : (852) 2388 0871
Fax # : (852) 2384 0932
Email : info@primeorchards.com

Major serving entities involve :

Wholesales and retails in particular supermarkets chain in Hong Kong.

Supermarkets, hotels and groceries stores in Macau

Wholesales and retails in prominent provinces & cities in China.

Wholesales markets across Taiwan, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing etc.